As Seen In…
Pamm has been published and interviewed in several print and broadcast mediums over the decades. Here is a sampling:
Book Features
- Rodale Press
- Tell Her She Can’t

Contributor to Tell Her She Can’t
Pamm contributed to Tell Her She Can’t by Kelly Lewis, a book about women who refused to believe that they can’t, especially when told otherwise.

Magazine Features
- Solar Age
- Washington Post Magazine
- Ski Magazine
- Resource Magazine
- Solar Today Magazine
- Systemes Solaires
Newspaper Features
- Denver Post
- Rocky Mountain News
- Boulder Daily Camera
- Longmont Times Call
- Steamboat Today
- Royal Banner
- Boulder County Business Report
Television & Radio Features
- KWGN-TV Nightly News (television)
- KRMA-TV A House for all Seasons (television)
- KCNC- TV All Night Live Interview (television)
- KOA Radio
- KWAB (radio)